Planning Reviews

Planning reviews of planning applications and planning appeals and professional planning advice from an experienced Chartered Town Planner.

Planning Reviews

Planning reviews from £350

A planning review provides you with a professional planning appraisal of the planning application or planning appeal and your potential grounds for objection. Planning reviews include:

  • a summary of the proposed development;
  • a summary of relevant development plan policies;
  • a summary of relevant national planning policies;
  • identification of your strongest grounds for objection.

This service is ideal for those who prefer to write their own objection letters as it provides a sound basis upon which to base your objections. Crucially, you will be able to refer to the correct development plan and national planning policies. You will also be able to ensure that your objections are based on relevant material planning considerations. This is essential to ensure that your objections are accorded due weight in the planning process.

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Initial advice is free. Contact me without obligation for more information. I’ll answer any questions and provide you with a fixed fee quotation.

Advice you can trust

Your local authority may well provide a planning advice service for members of the public. However, any advice you receive from the Council’s planning officers may be influenced by local policies and political considerations. Only an independent professional planning consultant can provide you with the impartial advice you need.

The planning process is complex. Applicants and appellants typically employ their own planning consultants, because they know this will increase their prospects of gaining the planning permissions they seek. Planning Objection Letters provides you with your own professional planning representation at affordable prices.

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