Planning Objection Letters

Professional planning representation and professionally drafted planning objection letters for local residents and third parties by Chartered Town Planner.

Planning Objection Letters

Planning objection letters from £450

A professionally drafted planning objection letter will ensure that your objections are accorded the maximum possible weight in the planning process. This is because valid planning objections must be:

  • material planning considerations;
  • relevant to the development proposed;
  • supported by development plan policies;
  • consistent with national planning policy;
  • substantiated by evidence and objective analysis.

With over twenty years’ experience in development management, I have the professional planning expertise to ensure that your planning objection letter is drafted as effectively as possible. Planning objection letters are also available as a package. For example, if you have already purchased a planning review, I can prepare an objection letter on the basis of that review at a reduced rate.

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Initial advice is free. Contact me without obligation for more information. I’ll answer any questions and provide you with a fixed fee quotation.

Weighing the evidence

Planning applications and planning appeals must be determined having regard to the development plan and relevant material planning considerations. Unsubstantiated objections, based on vague, generalised or inaccurate assertions about a proposal’s impact, will not be given significant weight.

It is therefore critical that your planning objection letter is drafted correctly. Developers understand this. It’s why they employ professional planning consultants to act on their behalf. Planning Objection Letters gives local people access to professional planning representation at affordable prices.

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